data class MapConfig(val isNightModeEnabled: Boolean? = null, val poiLimit: Int? = null, val isFastTapEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isRotateGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isTiltGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isScrollGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isZoomGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val mapType: MapType? = null, val use2dMode: Boolean? = null, val logo: MapLogoConfig = MapLogoConfig())
Config for Map that uses default configuration
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constructor(isNightModeEnabled: Boolean? = null, poiLimit: Int? = null, isFastTapEnabled: Boolean? = null, isRotateGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, isTiltGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, isScrollGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, isZoomGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, mapType: MapType? = null, use2dMode: Boolean? = null, logo: MapLogoConfig = MapLogoConfig())
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Removes the 300 ms delay in emitting a tap gesture with Map.isFastTapEnabled
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If enabled, night mode will reduce map brightness and improve contrast.
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Enable/disable rotation gestures, such as rotation with two fingers with Map.isRotateGesturesEnabled]
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Enable/disable scroll gestures with Map.isScrollGesturesEnabled
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Enable/disable tilt gestures, such as parallel pan with two fingers with Map.isTiltGesturesEnabled
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Enable/disable zoom gestures with Map.isZoomGesturesEnabled
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Config to control Yandex logo object with Map.getLogo
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The base map type with Map.mapType
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Limits the number of visible basemap POIs with Map.poiLimit
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Forces the map to be flat with Map.set2DMode