Package-level declarations


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A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe the map's camera state. A CameraPositionState may only be used by a single YandexMap composable at a time as it reflects instance state for a single view of a map.

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class CircleState(geometry: Circle)
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data class ClusterGroup(val placemarks: ImmutableList<ClusterItem>, val icon: ImageProvider, val iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), val text: String? = null, val textStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle())
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actual class ClusterImageProvider(size: <Error class: unknown class>, renderer: ComposeMapObjectRenderer, content: (<Error class: unknown class>) -> Unit)
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data class ClusterItem(val geometry: Point, val data: Any? = null)
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data class ClusterizingConfig(val clusterRadius: Double = DefaultClusterRadius, val minZoom: Int = DefaultMinZoom)
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actual class ComposeMapObjectRenderer(density: <Error class: unknown class>)
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data class MapConfig(val isNightModeEnabled: Boolean? = null, val poiLimit: Int? = null, val isFastTapEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isRotateGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isTiltGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isScrollGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val isZoomGesturesEnabled: Boolean? = null, val mapType: MapType? = null, val use2dMode: Boolean? = null, val logo: MapLogoConfig = MapLogoConfig())

Config for Map that uses default configuration

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data class MapLogoConfig(val alignment: LogoAlignment? = null, val padding: LogoPadding? = null)

Config to control Yandex logo object with Map.getLogo

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class PlacemarkState(geometry: Point, direction: Float = 0.0f)
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class PolygonState(geometry: Polygon)
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Marks declarations that runs in custom MapComposition, outside compose-ui composition context.

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Contains common implementation of MapWindow, that uses for controlling YandexMap

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Marks declarations that are still experimental.



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fun MapKit.bindToLifecycleOwner(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current)

Bind calling MapKit.onStart and MapKit.onStop to LifecycleOwner and composition

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fun Circle(state: CircleState, color: Color = DefaultFillColor, strokeColor: Color = DefaultStrokeColor, strokeWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeWidth, geodesic: Boolean = DefaultGeodesic, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onTap: (Point) -> Boolean? = null)
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fun ClusterGroup(points: List<Point>, icon: ImageProvider, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), text: String? = null, textStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle()): ClusterGroup
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fun Clustering(groups: ImmutableList<ClusterGroup>, icon: ClusterImageProvider, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), config: ClusterizingConfig = ClusterizingConfig(), onItemTap: (ClusterItem) -> Boolean? = null, onClusterTap: (Cluster) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f)
fun Clustering(groups: ImmutableList<ClusterGroup>, icon: ImageProvider, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), config: ClusterizingConfig = ClusterizingConfig(), onItemTap: (ClusterItem) -> Boolean? = null, onClusterTap: (Cluster) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f)
fun Clustering(group: ClusterGroup, icon: ClusterImageProvider, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), config: ClusterizingConfig = ClusterizingConfig(), onItemTap: (ClusterItem) -> Boolean? = null, onClusterTap: (Cluster) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f)
fun Clustering(group: ClusterGroup, icon: ImageProvider, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), config: ClusterizingConfig = ClusterizingConfig(), onItemTap: (ClusterItem) -> Boolean? = null, onClusterTap: (Cluster) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f)
fun Clustering(groups: ImmutableList<ClusterGroup>, contentSize: DpSize, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), config: ClusterizingConfig = ClusterizingConfig(), onItemTap: (ClusterItem) -> Boolean? = null, onClusterTap: (Cluster) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, content: @Composable (Cluster) -> Unit)
fun Clustering(group: ClusterGroup, contentSize: DpSize, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), config: ClusterizingConfig = ClusterizingConfig(), onItemTap: (ClusterItem) -> Boolean? = null, onClusterTap: (Cluster) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, content: @Composable (Cluster) -> Unit)
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fun MapControllerEffect(controller: YandexMapController, dispose: (MapWindow) -> Unit = {}, block: (MapWindow) -> Unit)
fun MapControllerEffect(controller: YandexMapController, key1: Any?, dispose: (MapWindow) -> Unit = {}, block: (MapWindow) -> Unit)
fun MapControllerEffect(controller: YandexMapController, vararg keys: Any?, dispose: (MapWindow) -> Unit = {}, block: (MapWindow) -> Unit)
fun MapControllerEffect(controller: YandexMapController, key1: Any?, key2: Any?, dispose: (MapWindow) -> Unit = {}, block: (MapWindow) -> Unit)
fun MapControllerEffect(controller: YandexMapController, key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, dispose: (MapWindow) -> Unit = {}, block: (MapWindow) -> Unit)
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fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(Map) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed YandexMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different key1 is provided.

fun MapEffect(vararg keys: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(Map) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed YandexMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different keys is provided.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(Map) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed YandexMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different key1 or key2 is provided.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(Map) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed YandexMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different key1, key2 or key3 is provided.

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fun Placemark(state: PlacemarkState, icon: ImageProvider, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), onTap: (Point) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, draggable: Boolean = false, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, opacity: Float = 1.0f)
fun Placemark(state: PlacemarkState, contentSize: DpSize, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), visible: Boolean = true, draggable: Boolean = false, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, opacity: Float = 1.0f, onTap: (Point) -> Boolean? = null, content: @Composable () -> Unit)
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fun Polygon(state: PolygonState, color: Color = DefaultFillColor, strokeColor: Color = DefaultStrokeColor, strokeWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeWidth, geodesic: Boolean = DefaultGeodesic, pattern: ImageProvider? = null, patternScale: Float = 1.0f, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onTap: (Point) -> Boolean? = null)
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fun Polyline(state: PolylineState, strokeColor: Color = DefaultStrokeColor, strokeWidth: Float = DefaultStrokeWidth, gradientLength: Float = DefaultGradientLength, outlineWidth: Float = DefaulOutlineWidth, outlineColor: Color = DefaultOutlineColor, innerOutlineEnabled: Boolean = false, turnRadius: Float = DefaultTurnRadius, dashLength: Float = DefaultDashLength, gapLength: Float = DefaultGapLength, dashOffset: Float = DefaultDashOffset, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onTap: (Point) -> Boolean? = null)
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Remember global MapKit instance and initialize it on Android

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inline fun rememberCameraPositionState(key: String? = null, crossinline init: CameraPositionState.() -> Unit = {}): CameraPositionState

Create and rememberSaveable a CameraPositionState using CameraPositionState.Saver. init will be called when the CameraPositionState is first created to configure its initial state.

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Uses rememberSaveable to retain CircleState.geometry across configuration changes, for simple use cases.

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Remember global MapKit instance

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fun rememberPlacemarkState(geometry: Point, direction: Float = 0.0f, key: String? = null): PlacemarkState

Uses rememberSaveable to retain PlacemarkState.geometry and PlacemarkState.direction across configuration changes, for simple use cases.

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Uses rememberSaveable to retain PolylineState.geometry across configuration changes, for simple use cases.

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Create and remember YandexMapController. Don't pass to multiple YandexMap. Don't save it anywhere, contains native references.

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fun TitledPlacemark(state: PlacemarkState, icon: ImageProvider, title: String, iconStyle: IconStyle = IconStyle(), titleStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle(), onTap: (Point) -> Boolean? = null, visible: Boolean = true, draggable: Boolean = false, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, opacity: Float = 1.0f)
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fun <Error class: unknown class>.toUIImage(): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun YandexMap(controller: YandexMapController = rememberYandexMapController(), modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
fun YandexMap(cameraPositionState: CameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState(), modifier: Modifier = Modifier, config: MapConfig = MapConfig(isNightModeEnabled = isSystemInDarkTheme()), content: @Composable () -> Unit = {})
fun YandexMap(locationState: UserLocationState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, cameraPositionState: CameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState(), locationConfig: UserLocationConfig = UserLocationConfig(), config: MapConfig = MapConfig(isNightModeEnabled = isSystemInDarkTheme()), content: @Composable () -> Unit = {})